Sunday, May 31, 2009

So, I just got my new fisheye and I am pretty stoked. UNFORTUNATELY I have nothing to photograph other than myself. I want to shoot skaters and bmx-ers, but I have limited access to them as none of my friends do tricks big enough to capture, that or we just suck or are just getting into it. I should just go to a park but I am a shy guy at heart, so i dont know. I guess I will see where it goes from here.
It just sucks having nothing to shoot that interests me right now. It's like I could do another collection of self portraits, but I only make about 5 different facial expressions and alternate them between different color backgrounds, who knows? Any way, to see some of my photos check out:



1 comment:

kevin said...

i really like this photo :) im excited for your fisheye lense too